Yet again, I look
at the clock
just to be sure
that time has passed.
From somewhere
or other, I seem
to hear strings
of words being uttered,
originating elsewhere
before passing
through purgatory
and terminating here.
So I close my eyes once more
against the din
of recognition
and imagine
I'm a sleepwalker holding out his fists,
trudging alone
through the cramped decor
of his own thoughts—
Ignorant of all
he is saying
or doing,
even after it has happened.
Tag—you're It.
And what It is
is a mistake—
but who ever heard of
a mistake
that has a system;
whose papers were filed
in the proper order,
which is bonded,
a mistake which is
a nonzero vector,
with an origin
all its own
and an arrow
of direction?