Wednesday, November 27, 2024


The excruciating 
way the second 
hand of the clock 

for its small 

as if resting—
as if catching its base- 
sixty breath 

upon chagrined completion 
of its
herculean task—

then stutters 
forward again 
with a jolt 

as if coerced—
as if enslaved 
to time's accretion 

with no will 
or countenance left 
for revolt—

inspires less 
impatience than 
dismay, and less regret 

than a softening 
to sympathetic amity 
toward death.


Tuesday, November 26, 2024


Want to know the very best 
thing about 
the present? It's that 

every moment 
is still 
our best guess. Whereas 

is a hangman coming 
creeping towards the lever 

which couples 
the slackened noose 
of motive 

with the gravity 
of dis-

Monday, November 25, 2024


In the sterile 
light of 
later autumn, 

fiercely pronged leaves 
of near-indigo 
serve as signals; 

from their twiggy 
profuse twinnings

of what's what—
eerie facsimiles
of brass tacks—

stare back, as if 
daring you
to ask: 

which one 
is the original?

Friday, November 22, 2024


The transparent 
way I panic 
and start to miss the moment,

even as
it's happening; 

the way a certain worry
just explodes
into my head, 

while another one
spares me—leaves me

the way The Valuable 
has a penchant 
for staying so small 

and revolving around 
the same precious nouns

like elections in stable, 
orbital shells—

all remind me, somehow 
of a child on a carousel, 

deriving less comfort
from the rhythm 
of the ride 

than they do 
from the inexorability 

of a circle—
not to mention 
the surety 

of being 

Thursday, November 21, 2024


It's the littlest 
trees—not the gnarly,
grizzled mighty—

which manage to cling 
to their red gold 
leaves longest—as if 

the decadent color 
explorers once sailed 
the world for,

but which now 
falls beneath all earthly 
need for liberation,

still might well 
profit from defense 
against oppressors 

and, as dusk's empire 
swells, be their secret 
to keep. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


In lieu of 
talking politics, 
we shall talk 

of rapacity—
flagging for review 

the self-
centeredness of desire; 

by way of proxy 
for the future, 

we will talk about 
the weather—

a climate 
deteriorating more 
quickly than expected. 

of the treasure-trove 
of pattern recognition, 

we will joke 
about our love—

then fall silent, praising 
no one present.

Do we really intend, then,
to raze the world 

in order to spare
a pleasant moment? 

What is it 
we're trying 

so hard 
to get rid of? 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


There is something 
to be gained from
observing the way 

light's recalcitrance 
on a late November day—

when heavy gold rays
strike the trees' 
meager branches 

and seem, 
for the first time 
all year, to outspan them.

And though, as they
must do, they pass
right through,

for a moment, 
they seem to want 
to stiffen and hang,

like jewels 
on a pendant, for a week 
of afternoons—it's as if 

the light knew 
any better than you 
or I do 

how to own more 
than a moment 
in this world, 

how to thwart time, 
how to own it,
how to stay. 

Monday, November 18, 2024


What is it like 
to partake 

in the next life? 
What would it take 

to be—and stay 
at peace?

Experiment: stand alone 
at dusk, 

trying sincerely 
to picture the deceased 

as agile, pliant; 
as distant and laughing; 

as slapping 
at the silver 

but all 

in an endless sea.


Everything still 
reminds us 
of them—

especially the way 
they still remind us 

of all the things
they never can be.

Friday, November 15, 2024


The truth can't be 
refused by the lowest-
lying waterhshed: 

now plus acceleration 
due to gravity
equals then;

in dribs and drabs, here 
must diffuse 
into there. 

If only 
a washbasin 
could be invented 

to collect the bygone 
present which 
condenses from thin air—

to preserve the raw 
and the too-
haunted things, 

and forestall them awhile 
from that freefall 
into yet

a vessel to protect 
the still-
pure and unadulterated, 

to hold 
the only thing 
we can know

and prohibit 
even the littlest 

Thursday, November 14, 2024


The goal of all thought 
is to redirect

to reach a grand end—
and then
to start over. 

In that sense, reflection 
is a threat 
to survival; 

careful second guessing, 
a burial plot. 

A retrospective lesson
reads a lot
like a tombstone—

a tombstone which, 
to instinct, also 
doubles as a roadblock,

bringing wild movement 
to a screeching halt. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


V of gray geese
plows the air 
of necessity,

trawling invisibly 
the last temperate clouds—

scours dull belief 
in the promise 
of winter

intoned in a far-off
untroublesome melody—

clears a fleet path 
for that 
heavenly peace 

in which, perchance, 
to sleep.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


As flocks 
of pigeons 

sweep low 
above fountains 

in tacit sync—
then break—
then repeat;

as the once-
august leaves 

now stuff gutters 
and steep 

leftover water 
into strange,
reddish tea—

so too may

and retreat, 

taking no more 
or less pleasure 
in either 

than the craving 
for stability 

used to take   
in each. 

Monday, November 11, 2024


Everything out there 
being patently 
what it is: 

succeeding one, old age 
displacing youth—

no hiroglyphs 
to illustrate the march 
of our days, 

no metaphors 
to explicate as proof—
and definitely 

no lessons to tease 
from eternity's 
hashed miscellany; 

our tongues 
fuzzing over, 
turning gray-green

from atrophy—
by which you'd think
I might really mean 

apathy—but no, 
I don't, 

Friday, November 8, 2024


Decades now, 
the leaves 
have been whispering

in the waxing, 
then waning winds
of acceptance,

but still as yet 
can't translate  
the fathomless—

still can't tell me 
you meant. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024


          The heaventree of stars hung with 
          humid nightblue fruit.
               -James Joyce

Gazing up, one sees 
that burnished 
heaventree of stars—

feels its light 
not with the inference  
of thought, but 

that immediacy 
usually reserved 
for the heart—and still 

may call the night 
sky uniformly 

the universe empty, 
and dark.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


Just ask 
these shadows 
lagging behind us: 

there's no such thing 
as forethought 
or freedom of design; 

everything we realize
is a light blast 
that's been red-shifted—

every action, a super 
massive black 
hole scrambling 

to crush, then reprise 
our imperative 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


By November, 
wet maple leaves 
plaster the fence—

each one
the color of fired 
clay, or flesh—

each one so insistent, 
so barbed 
and particular—and yet, 

much like every 
fiercely blazoned 
universe out there: 

by billions, if not 
by the infinite;

in the eye
of an observer, identical 
to its neighbor. 

Monday, November 4, 2024


It's getting dark 
early now, 

like the evening 
you died—

the evening 
you finally 

were finished 
with dying. 

Friday, November 1, 2024


One poem 
is an ordinarily  
busy street,

uncannily deserted 
on Christmas Eve; 

Another is us 
from the future,

viewed through 
a foggy plate glass,
hugging strangers.

But we trust 
these odd strings
of familiar things

whose swings 
mean so little,

yet explain
to a tee 

the phyiscs 
of our psychical need 
to careen.