Wednesday, July 15, 2015


No offense to Hegel—but I think 
I finally figured out
how we got

so inextricably fused 
I kissed her 

just once;
and so 
lightly indecisive—and only

sort-of! not to mention
too fast—
in my dad's 

freezing cold car
in her
hot July driveway

upon our return
from that arbitrarily nondescript
Main Street ice cream parlor.

And it's so dumb—and unabsolute!
and has nothing whatever 
to do with that 

delicate situation—which initially flattened
those two little paperthin
noses together;

but rather—
with every ponderously heavy 
and ugly impersonal thing

that's happened—
to drop down 
and pile up on top

and around 
and outside of them since then—
creating increasing

and tremendously monumental 
inward pressure—as their owners 
ever so innocently

simply continued 
sitting together 
occasionally—though honestly

not all that often—
remembering that embracing.