Thursday, March 28, 2013

Outside Chance

Buzzed by 
chai, I dashed outside with 
an artistic eye to write a bunch 
of fresh words before 

But my 
intentions soon 
jammed when I quickly got slammed 
by a weird mix of bright tangy 
hunger and sun

Pained and hazy,
I suddenly acutely lusted to feast 
on buckets of sugared spring breezes and 
forests by-the-fistful of sun-
buttered branches 

When I turned
to retreat, I grimaced to
see, from a distance, a smart, nappy 
squirrel nosing noiselessly for 
seeds on the dry lawn

Finding a prize
pick, he plucked it up and 
turned it quickly between his skilled little 
fingers, nibbling just the edges 
before tossing it back--

meanwhile, my artistic 
eyes were turning 